What We Do

The China Care Foundation identifies orphans in need of medical care, and takes them into their care. These children are "often malnourished and frequently suffer from hypothermia as a result of being abandoned. Almost all were born with a mild or severe birth defect or health abnormality. They are desperate for medical and emotional attention and require a high level of skilled care during their early weeks and months of life" (China Care Foundation). China Care provide that care at their state-of-the-art medical facility in Beijing.

As a chapter at the University of Chicago, we have dedicated our efforts throughout the year to help fund the surgeries of China Care orphans. Since our start five years ago, we have raised over $2,000 to help fund our children. We could not have done it with the teamwork of our UChicago China Care chapter and help from students and the community. Our past fundraisers have included Valentine's Day Message-grams, Pumpkin Pie Sale, Chinese Buns Sales, Cupcake Bake Sale, and Apple Crisp Bake Sale.

Our biggest fundraiser of the year is our Annual Silent Auction. The Silent Auction is a philanthropic event with items and food donated by businesses from around campus and the community, as well as live music by UChicago Jazz students. This past year (spring 2011), we expanded the event to a week-long philanthropic event, including tabling to spread awareness and fundraise. With the support of Zberry, we were able to hold a "China Care-Zberry Day," in which Zberry gave students discounted frozen yogurt and donated a portion of the day's earnings to the China Care Foundation. Our past sponsors for the auction include:

If you would like to sponsor China Care for the auction or donate to the China Care Foundation, you can email us at uchicagochinacare@uchicago.edu.

To see how UChicago China Care is directly involved in the community, click here.